Love Death E Robots 36
American Pie | Nem sempre a primeira vez é boa (e tudo bem)
instagram: SINOPSE Trilha sonora: hisohkah - school rooftop #elegante #analise #cinema All rights belong to their respective owners. All visual material was originally created or obtained from official advertisement of each specific subject. This material is in conformation with…
Corações de Ferro | É possível permanecer humano na guerra?
instagram: SINOPSE Trilha sonora: hisohkah - school rooftop #elegante #analise #cinema All rights belong to their respective owners. All visual material was originally created or obtained from official advertisement of each specific subject. This material is in conformation with…
Leon – O Profissional | A importância de se criar raízes
instagram: SINOPSE Trilha sonora: hisohkah - school rooftop #elegante #analise #cinema All rights belong to their respective owners. All visual material was originally created or obtained from official advertisement of each specific subject. This material is in conformation with…
Watchmen – O Filme | Qual a importância dos Contos do Cargueiro Negro na história?
instagram: SINOPSE Trilha sonora: hisohkah - school rooftop #elegante #analise #cinema All rights belong to their respective owners. All visual material was originally created or obtained from official advertisement of each specific subject. This material is in conformation with…
Dunkirk | Milagres podem ser testemunhados em meio a guerra
instagram: SINOPSE Trilha sonora: hisohkah - school rooftop #elegante #analise #cinema All rights belong to their respective owners. All visual material was originally created or obtained from official advertisement of each specific subject. This material is in conformation with…
A Nova Onda do Imperador é uma história sobre humildade
instagram: SINOPSE Trilha sonora: hisohkah - school rooftop #elegante #analise #cinema All rights belong to their respective owners. All visual material was originally created or obtained from official advertisement of each specific subject. This material is in conformation with…
Thor – Ragnarok é o pior filme do Universo Cinematográfico da Marvel?
instagram: SINOPSE Trilha sonora: hisohkah - school rooftop #elegante #analise #cinema All rights belong to their respective owners. All visual material was originally created or obtained from official advertisement of each specific subject. This material is in conformation with…
Ao Cair da Noite | Somos marionetes dos instintos?
instagram: SINOPSE Trilha sonora: hisohkah - school rooftop #elegante #analise #cinema All rights belong to their respective owners. All visual material was originally created or obtained from official advertisement of each specific subject. This material is in conformation with…
À Espera de um Milagre | Permanecer vivo pode ser uma maldição
instagram: SINOPSE Trilha sonora: hisohkah - school rooftop #elegante #analise #cinema All rights belong to their respective owners. All visual material was originally created or obtained from official advertisement of each specific subject. This material is in conformation with…
Capitão América – O Primeiro Vingador é uma história maniqueísta?
instagram: Por se tratar de um dos primeiros filmes da primeira fase do UCM, muitos elementos que viriam a se tornar definitivos para a mitologia do universo, já vinham a ser estabelecidos aqui, como a aparição de uma das…